Water, Energy, & Environment Task Force

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Name: Water, Energy, & Environment Task Force
Date: September 17, 2024
Time: 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM PDT
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:
Join the East Bay Leadership Council's Water & Environment Task Force for a presentation on recent research from the Public Policy Institute of California's Water Policy Center. Their research includes climate resilience and water management related to the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, groundwater recharge, and biodiversity conservation. The presentation will also include some of the Water Policy Center's future research directions, including climate preparedness for different water sectors, based on their recently completed strategic refresh.


Letitia Grenier is director of the PPIC Water Policy Center, where she is also a senior fellow. She previously directed the Resilient Landscapes Program of the San Francisco Estuary Institute, where she served as a resource for local and national media, advised government and agency staff, and worked with partners to conserve California’s living resources by developing landscape-scale, collaborative, science-based visions and solutions. She was also the 2020 PPIC CalTrout Ecosystem Fellow and an adjunct fellow with the PPIC Water Policy Center. Throughout her career, she has worked as a proponent and leader of science-based management. In 2019 and 2015, she served as the science lead for the State of the Estuary Report, and was also the science lead for the 2015 update to the Baylands Ecosystem Habitat Goals, heading a team of over 200 environmental scientists, managers, and regulators to develop recommendations for restoring and maintaining the health of the Bay’s tidal wetlands in the face of rising sea levels and other stressors. She completed her PhD at the University of California, Berkeley, where her research concentrated on the ecology of the Bay-Delta estuary system.
In-Person Event Only
Brown and Caldwell
201 North Civic Drive (Suite 300)
Walnut Creek, CA
Contact Information:
Meg Stern, Communications & Policy Associate
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