Water, Energy, & Environment Task Force

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Name: Water, Energy, & Environment Task Force
Date: January 16, 2024
Time: 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM PST
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:
Being ‘low carbon’ is not just a claim that businesses and organizations can make without substantial evidence. But how is ‘low carbon’ determined? Please join the East Bay Leadership Council for a high-level overview of some drivers (credits, such as California LCFS; incentives, such as IRA tax credits; procurement standards, such as ‘buy clean’ programs; and disclosure requirements, such as California SB 253 and proposed federal SEC and FAR regulations), methodologies, life cycle assessment (LCA) concepts, and examples of how businesses characterize their operational carbon (or greenhouse gas CO2 equivalent) emissions and product carbon intensity.

Whether required by a regulation or a customer, this demand for low carbon sets the stage for market forces to drive businesses to know where their total lifecycle carbon footprint lies relative to global standards and industry benchmarks. This in turn is driving innovation to reduce carbon in products, materials, and processes to affect the value of their product.


Lynn McGuire, P.E.(CA)
 is a Senior Principal consultant and lead for Energy Transition, Air Quality and Carbon Management solutions at Geosyntec Consultants, based out of Oakland, California. She has over 35 years of experience as a subject matter expert in process and environmental engineering consulting applied to air quality and greenhouse gas (GHG) management and carbon reduction for businesses, supporting corporate programs, capital projects, reporting and sustainability practices. She consults with clients primarily in industrial, manufacturing and energy sector, including energy consumers, producers, and fuels manufacturing, distribution and use. This includes assessing emissions and carbon intensity of conventional energy, renewable energy, conventional fuels, renewable fuels, chemical and product manufacturing, as well as seeking approvals from regulatory agencies and voluntary programs for project approvals, credits and maintaining license to operate. Ms. McGuire has also taught courses in air pollution control systems and strategies and guest lectures on renewable energy for the University of California Berkeley and Davis Extension programs, authored nationally distributed publications, and presented papers on renewable energy, carbon accounting and management, reporting and regulatory compliance at national conferences. Ms. McGuire is a certified Lead Verifier under the California Air Resources Board (CARB) GHG Emissions Data Mandatory Reporting Rule. She holds a B.S. degree from UC Davis, and M.S. degree from University of Texas, Austin, both in Chemical Engineering.
In-Person Only Event
Brown and Caldwell
201 North Civic Drive (
Suite 300)
Walnut Creek, CA
Contact Information:
Meg Stern, Communications & Policy Associate
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