Join us at the Water, Energy, & Environment Task Force as we take a closer look at grid reliability.
We will start with the story of Apple Inc. and its path to 100% renewable energy. What can we learn from the regulatory and other challenges encountered in states across the U.S. and in countries around the world?
Then we will focus on the grid itself, which is becoming more important as we move collectively toward alternative energy — as California has committed to by 2045.
Lastly, our presenter will focus on one of the least well understood areas — hydrogen’s potential role as an energy vector in the grid of the future and the economy.
Featured Speaker
Mike Petouhoff, PE
Mike has more than 35 years of experience as a global clean energy leader focused on renewable energy transition, grid reliability, and hydrogen. At California Energy Commission, Mike led the team that developed a 5-year research initiative to “Create a More Nimble Grid to Maintain Reliability as California Transitions to 100% Clean Energy." As Apple’s Global Energy Team Leader, Mike was the architect and chief implementer of the company’s transition to 100% clean energy in the United States and 23 other countries. At Chevron Energy Solutions, Mike led the development of West Village, California’s first zero net energy town, through a grant from the California Energy Commission. Through this project he demonstrated the feasibility of reaching zero net energy with all electric end use, which had previously only been viewed as an aspirational goal.